3 Deadly Causes Of Piles And What You Can Do About Them

This myth is stated in some places to avoid warm floors like sidewalks while in other places it's thought that cold surfaces are what cause piles. It's not true that the surface temperature has anything to do with the chance of having a piles problem. When someone does have piles warm surfaces as well as cold surfaces are soothing as both can help reduce swelling. But it is a good idea to not sit down on hard surfaces all day long with dealing with piles.

Exercise is one of the easiest home remedy that could be tried to treat piles. While exercising the patient must ensure that his abdominal muscles helps in progress of blood circulation in the rectal area.


Change Your Diet. Start eating more fiber-rich foods so you can have softer, bulkier and more regular bowel movements. You will reduce constipation and the need to strain when in the toilet. Fruits, vegetables, and whole grain cereals such as brown rice, whole meal bread, and whole meal pasta are great sources of fiber. Drink plenty of fluids, especially water. Drink 6 to 8 glasses a day, and avoid drinks with caffeine, such as coffee and soda.

Your first remedy for piles is to avoid being overweight. Watch your weight regularly and ensure that your body mass is not greater than normal for your age and height. Being overweight puts so much strain on the pelvic area and this causes an imbalance in the blood flow or circulation in the anal area. The tissues in that area will begin to swell and before you know it, you have bleeding hemorrhoids.

Sneezing or coughing - Have you ever held your nose closed during a sneeze? If so, you might have noticed that you are light headed afterwards. This is because when you sneeze, the upper body muscles contract. If you hold Diet in piles the sneeze, you will force the blood into the lower region. This will cause the veins to swell and possibly bleed.



Ice packs - Ice packs are great for reducing swelling, and pain from piles. It only takes about 10 to 15 minutes to get fast relief with an ice pack. An ice pack will numb the here area and will reduce hemorrhoids swelling.

While this can be painful and annoying, it's very mild when compared to hemorrhoids resulting from blood clots - also known as a 'thrombosed external hemorrhoid'.

Other causes of hemorrhoids in children are prolonged sitting and obesity. Sitting on a chair for a long period of time is hard to prevent because of school. Exercise helps regulate bowel movements and fight obesity. Hemorrhoid creams are also available to reduce the inflammation.

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